Cattle Steroids in the Treatment of Obesity in Aging Males

In 2011, Dr Daniel Donner began a 5-year project to investigate an anabolic steroid originally designed for cattle and its potentially therapeutic effects in treating obesity, diabetes and heart disease, particularly in aging men with low testosterone.

In 2015, the journal Endocrinology published a peer-reviewed scientific article by Dr Daniel Donner et al., titled “Trenbolone Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Myocardial Tolerance to Ischemia-Reperfusion in Male Rats With Testosterone-Deficient Metabolic Syndrome“.

The paper describes a possible direction of treatments for a recently characterised disease now known as Testosterone-deficient Metabolic Syndrome (TDMetS). Those most susceptible to this disorder are middle-aged to late-aged men (40-50+ years) who develop any of the following symptoms/diseases:

  • low libido and/or erectile dysfunction associated with low testosterone levels,
  • lean mass (muscle) loss,
  • abdominal obesity, and/or
  • diabetes

Over previous decades, testosterone has been more rapidly prescribed to men as they pass 40 years of age. Generally patients considered for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are those who report to suffer any symptom of sexual dysfunction which may or may not then be followed up by a blood test to measure testosterone levels. Clearly, this wasn’t the most robust system. Following recent developments to our understanding of the body as we get a little softer around the edges, we now know that replacing low testosterone with testosterone may not actually have the intended effect in overweight individuals. Fortunately, recent restrictions to the prescription of testosterone have since been implemented while researchers have gotten to work on the issue.

Briefly, the body of an aged and overweight man is a complex environment, particularly in terms of how it manages, produces and converts many hormones. Most interestingly perhaps are the findings of recent research in the field concluding that all the extra fat tissue that sits around our waist is far from dormant – in fact it’s actually more like a gland or organ all of its own accord.

We now know that the fat cells or ‘adipocytes’ that replicate and grow to excess in obese individuals, actively convert circulating testosterone (the male sex hormone) to estrogen (the female sex hormone). Additionally, we know that the more estrogen we produce (by converting testosterone to estrogen in adipocytes) the louder the signal to the brain to stop its communication with the testicles to produce testosterone. Another mechanism which works against men as they grow to be overweight, is the fact that incremental progression towards obesity i.e. by slow and steady development of insulin resistance over time, directly inhibits the testicular production of testosterone as well.

To make matters trickier, it’s important to understand that testosterone is quite a critical hormone in telling the new (stem) cells produced by the human body to become muscle or bone. Without adequate levels of testosterone, these new stem cells are more likely to become fat cells and contribute to a person becoming overweight or obese.

So, growing overweight mechanistically slows testosterone production, and lower testosterone mechanistically increases weight gain. That’s a vicious physiological cycle!

In response to this somewhat messy problem faced by more and more men in our rapidly aging global population, the paper by Dr Daniel Donner et al., explored the effects of traditional treatment with testosterone in obese rats with low testosterone.

As expected by the researchers, the testosterone didn’t really do what many prescribing doctors might have hoped for. The testosterone treatment being used to treat these obese, low testosterone rats was essentially being turned into estrogen by all the fat surrounding these not-so-little research subjects.

To prove the point further, the researchers took a special ‘designer’ steroid originally intended for use in cattle which, unlike testosterone, cannot be converted to estrogen by fat cells.

The treatments with this designer steroid were far more successful at reducing obesity, restoring muscle mass and improving metabolic function than the traditional testosterone.

As promising as these findings are, further research into these designer steroids in human trials is critical to assessing their safety. The main point of this study was to dig deeper than previous studies and confirm or refute the complexity of the Testosterone-deficient Metabolic Syndrome, with a view to developing better treatments for men with this condition.

On an exciting note, many designer steroids (also called Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, or ‘SARMs’) are currently being evaluated in clinical trials for potential treatment of humans in the not-too-distant future.

2 thoughts on “Cattle Steroids in the Treatment of Obesity in Aging Males

  1. I really need your help in getting me on something like this to better improve my life whatever I have left of it! I’m almost sixty and used to workout alot then I got married had kids and got fat at the same time. I was 5’6″ 190 lbs but in great shape my bench press was at 410 lbs preacher curled one arm 75 lb dumbells 22″ arms. Repped leg presses over 1000 lbs
    repped deadlifts over 500 lbs just in great shape! Up until around 33 yrs old then after being married and having children things went downhill! Please help! I just started fasting lost 40 lbs in no time but loss muscle at the same time! I’m always tired don’t want to get out of bed and just no libido. Dick gets hard but no drive! I’m on TRT but it doesn’t help with libido or drive. Thanks for your attention to this matter!

  2. Very interesting. My question is, have you ever taken steroids, or treated patients who have taken them? Because I don’t think any expert on this subject would seriously suggest trenbolone as a treatment for obese hypogonadal men because of it’s serious side-effects, especially psychological—tren gives men a very short “fuse” so to speak. These effects are somewhat dose-dependent, but it’s still concerning and not something associated with TRT.

    I would have thought a better treatment protocol would be testosterone with an aromatase inhibitor like anastrazole, perhaps 0.5mg taken twice a week. This would keep the aromatization in check without completely depleting estradiol levels (which would itself cause deleterious consequences). Another option might be clomiphene citrate with anastrazole, as this would bring back the body’s natural testosterone instead of replacing it, although the general consensus is that won’t work with very severe deficiencies.

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